19 May, 2011

please read...

Lately, I've been thinking about my blog and what the posts are like. If my readers like them, why I get such different numbers of people on my blog each day, etc.

Then I thought...maybe my posts are really boring. Maybe my readers don't like them and they are just too shy to tell me, or are afraid they'd hurt my feelings. Well, that's understandable. I probably would be a little shy, too, and afraid to hurt someone's feelings, because it'd be easy to if you used the wrong words.

Lately I've been reading other people's blogs and noticing that they're blogging about what interests them and what they like. For example, I like photography, American Girl/American Girl dolls, A Life of Faith, studying the Bible, music, blog/web design, and reading. It's the truth. That's what I like, and it's who I am.

Then I thought, does my blog show that? I looked at the posts, and it does show I like American Girl and photography, and all of that. But I haven't been posting enough about the things I love. And I haven't been telling people about the things I love enough.

So, in very early June, I am going to redesign my blog, and I'm going to start sharing what I love more. I think I'll start posting a lot more, like once, twice, or even three times a week, and I will try to make this blog me. I made my own header and background for my blog for the summertime, and I'm going to make the color scheme blue, grey, and black, of course, for the text, since the color black is what basically everyone uses for the text.

So, I think you get my drift. ;-) I am going to make my blog more 'me' and will start making more posts of what I've been doing, the photos I've been taking (I had my camera away from me from almost three days, all because Dad and my brother Eric took it on a fishing trip, and whenever I thought of my poor camera, tears came to my eyes. Just kidding!), my dolls, and what I've been up to lately.

I suppose that wraps it up . . . There's not much left to say except farewell.




  1. I love your blog as it is! :) But, I will love your new posts you will be doing, too! :) Hannah

  2. I really need your help. Do you mind going to my blog [you could follow JK] and telling me what's wrong with my pictures? If you know. [I don't want to put pressure on you but I'm going around, asking.] Has it ever happened to you? Why it's happening? How to fix it? Thanks, I need help!! It's been happening for a few days and I don't think I can look at it again!!
    I TOTALLY love your blog. Your posts aren't boring. No worries!!


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
