13 May, 2011

my birthday (which was yesterday)!

**Notice: I wrote this post last night on Microsoft word since Blogger was down/not working properly. Hmph. Mean Blogger. Just kidding! :D
But since yestery was my birthday, I hope you won't mind pretending that you're almost back in time to 5.12.2011... XD**

Today --- May 12th, 2011 --- was my birthday. It’s 8:29 at night, and in almost exactly three and a half hours, my special day will have ended, and I will be _ (my age) for three hundred sixty-four more days. (Three hundred sixty-three days now...)

My birthday plans were to go to Landa Park, open presents, and then go to Cici’s and have lunch, stuffing ourselves full of pizza, pizza, and a little more pizza. And some dessert pizza, of course!

Instead, we stayed home and opened presents during a severe storm looking out of the dining room window, and ate nothing but Boston cream pie (that Mom baked) while opening presents.

I was very disappointed and a little depressed at first. My plans were ruined, and we were reduced to staying home and sittin' 'round the table eatin' cake and openin' presents while Eric (my brother) filmed with his iPod touch.

But I realized it then --- my birthday was really cool, and it was awesome and a blessing that the very-much-needed rain poured on my birthday. Of course, it’s every day --- especially your birthday! --- that you hear a tornado warning on the news, large and dark thunderclouds are everywhere, rain is pouring hard, and there’s a chance of hail. (That was said sarcastically, of course…)

So I’m glad my birthday fell on a day that it rained. I’m very grateful that we got rain at all, and God was very good to us all to give us rain, which we needed.

The first present I opened (*cough, cough* in my pajamas on the couch) was a good amount of money from my parents. As my mom explained, they wanted me to start managing, spending, and saving larger amounts of money so I could learn to be responsible, et cetera. So far, with the money from them and my savings, I have quite a bit, but I am not being foolish (as I usually am) and not waiting to save more. I will be saving more money, I guarantee, and I will not be spending any (except for a few items which I have really been wanting lately!) money for a while, until I save enough money to buy my precious Kodak Easyshare Z981. <3 XD

The second present I opened (this was at the table with the rest of my presents around me, and the cake, and my mom and brother (since my dad was at work), and et cetera, and *cough* with me wearing my normal clothes…) was an American Girl doll outfit. I’m really excited about the American Girl items I got, and can’t wait to share photos of ‘em with y’all! (I promise you that I am not trying to sound hickish. And if I do say so myself, even though I’m from Texas, I do not really have a Southern accent.)

The third present I opened was the doll I got’s accessories. I really love them, and they’re really sweet and historically accurate, for the most part.

The fourth and last present I opened was…my doll. When I first saw her, she was laying down in her box, comfortably asleep with her eyes peacefully closed and looking very content and not wanting to be disturbed. (She told me so later, and that she was miffed that we bothered her. ;-) ) However, we (my mom and I) defied her wishes and opened the box and took her out. I love her TO DEATH and I’m sure I will continue loving her until I have a daughter of my own someday and my new doll will be pretty old. Somehow, though, I have a feeling that she will maintain her youthful looks... XD

My birthday was an awesome one, and one I’ll never forget. It was a special one, and I will always remember it in my heart. :-)



ps. On my Picasa (which you can access HERE), you can see teaser photos of the new doll I got as well as photos of my birthday and the storm!

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