29 May, 2011

miscellaneous updates

I have a lot of miscellaneous updates for you guys! :D (Girls, really, and except for my brother and perhaps some relatives, I kind of hope no guys visit my blog.)

Here are all of my miscellaneous updates.

1. i can't wait to go to shopping.

Not exactly "shopping" - more like going on an outing. I live in a place where you can't hop in the car and zoom off to Target or the gas station. You have to get ready (and living with a brother who likes to put gel in his hair and take his time in the shower, it takes an extra 15 minutes), get ready a tiny bit more, and do a little bit of getting ready. Did I mention that you have to get ready? And then you hop out of the car and take a very slightly long drive to wherever you need to stop.

Anyway. About that outing (that we are taking on Tuesday), I suppose that I'm just excited to exit the house for half a day or so, rather than being cooped up working on a new series that I'm making with my American Girl dolls, writing, and listening to some newly-downloaded Britt Nicole music on my (now dead) MP3 player. :P

We get to go to the library (going to the library is one of my favorite parts of the week!). How I love you, library. You are the one who gives me items that provide me with hours of entertainment. :)


2. i can't believe that barnes & noble has an american girl club.

Or, at least my Barnes & Noble does...we arrived a few days ago (I was released from school on Friday) just in time to see an American Girl Club meet. The eldest girl there was probably age seven or eight, quite a bit younger than I am, but every girl (except for the one older sister) was holding an American Girl doll, and I was impressed at how lovely and well-taken-care-of each doll was. However, I basically towered over every one of them.

Still, it was pretty cool to see, and very exciting! :)

{ps. I also got to see the music section, which was bigger than three of my mom's rooms, of which are not small. :) I think I just might have to be buying "Say It" by Britt Nicole there, since it's at a pretty good price.}

3. i can't believe how tired i am.

I think I may have to say goodnight, folks, as I can barely keep my eyes open (well, there's a little exaggeration there...but I'm close to being like that). I hope you enjoyed this post!

Have you ever seen an American Girl club at your Barnes & Noble bookstore that meets up on...Fridays? :)

When did you get off school? If you haven't gotten off yet, when will you?

I hope you all have a good night and a lovely Monday!

-- Love,

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